Helpful Links
Our goals include building a strong relationship between school and home, and one of the ways we accomplish this is by offering helpful resources to our school parents and community. Whether you have questions about our school or its policies, need some help with homework, or just want to find something educational and fun in our community, you'll find what you need on these pages.
Health Office
The Winters’ Well Health Office assists students with illness and injuries. We also conduct health screenings, assist students and families with medical referrals, and provide health education to students and staff. The goal of the Health Office is to remove barriers to the health and safety of students and to enable them to achieve their academic goals at school.
School is no place for a sick child. Please don’t send your child to school if he/she has had a fever, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, deep cough, or a communicable disease such as chickenpox, strep throat, or pink-eye within the previous 24 hours. We will notify you if your child becomes ill, sustains an injury, or has an emergency. Please pick up an ill or injured child as promptly as possible. Please list an alternate contact on your Emergency Data Sheet in case you are not available or cannot leave work. Please keep us updated with current phone numbers.
Emergency Medical Information
It is imperative that you notify the nurse if your child has a medical condition such as diabetes, seizure disorder, asthma, heart disease, allergies (environmental and food), a physical or mental disability, etc. This will help us better serve you and your family. Please place this information on the emergency section of the data sheet. We use this sheet to contact you in case of illness or injury. Please keep your child data sheet current and complete.
At Winters’ Well, we want your child to remain healthy and safe. We comply fully with Arizona State Immunization guidelines for all students. Check with your family doctor or call our office with any questions. You may also visit the following websites to learn more about required immunizations for your child.
Update: Arizona immunization laws have changed. All students entering seventh grade must have received their second MMR and Hepatitis B series. Check your child's immunization record. If your child needs these immunizations, don't wait! Start now and bring in documentation to the Health office so we can change his/her record!
If you are new to our area, welcome to Tonopah! We know you will enjoy our rural setting and the great Arizona weather. Registering at Winters’ Well Elementary School is easy. To make the process as quick as possible, please complete the following steps:
Gather your child's original Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, and Proof of Residency (a utility bill/lease/contract to build). As a parent or guardian, you will also need valid identification. We appreciate, but do not require, any records from previous schools.
You will find additional information, including our registration packet, on our district Registration page.
Stop by our school office, and we'll help you complete the paperwork.
Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Web Links
We’ve rounded up some of the best educational websites to help you bypass the inconvenience of sorting through the thousands of search engine results. Check here for great resources to help your child with homework, provide educational entertainment on a rainy (or way too hot) day, as well as helpful tips for parents and teachers.
While Winters’ Well Elementary School actively monitors the content of this website, we do not claim any responsibility for content outside this website, otherwise known as "offsite" content. We make every effort to ensure that offsite content is appropriate and in good taste; however, we have no control over the constantly changing Internet landscape. If you see something questionable (links to inappropriate websites, foul language, etc.), please email our webmaster, and we will remove that material or link immediately. Also, if you have sites you'd like to suggest that we add, please send us those links for evaluation.